Writing Assignments
Those of us following the HOW Concept do daily reading and writing assignments. As newcomers, we begin with specific questions that guide us through each of the Twelve Steps. Our DA-HOW sponsors will indicate which questions to use at various stages of our recovery, and may make additional suggestions for writing assignments as we go. To download many of these sets of questions, click on the links on the sidebar.
These questions have been compiled my many different groups in various recovery programs over time. Different sponsors use different questions in guiding their sponsees through working the steps. There is no single "correct" way to work through the questions beyond the first 90, which all DA-HOW members complete. A note about literature: The basic texts of our program are the book Alcoholics Anonymous, referred to as "The Big Book," and The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, referred to as "The 12 and 12." In AA literature we can identify with many of the situations described by substituting the words “compulsive debt” for “alcohol.” You can read the Big Book online here, and the 12 and 12 here. We also study the literature of Debtors Anonymous, including A Currency of Hope, various pamphlets, and the "Ways and Means" newsletter, along with other AA literature, including daily meditation books. Several of the sets of questions at the right require additional literature to complete. These items can be purchased in hard copy or e-book from aa.org, Amazon.com or other booksellers, or checked out from you local library (both hard copy and online versions may be available through a public library at no cost).
SPENDING PLAN INFORMATION Those of us following the HOW Concept use a variety of different methods for writing our spending plans. Some of us use pen and paper, some use spreadsheets in Excel or other programs, and some use commercially available budgeting software. As you work the program and have Pressure Relief Meetings, you will find the method that works best for you. To get started, some of us have found it helpful to use the following Excel or Google Doc spreadsheets found here: Spending Plan Templates SPONSOR/SPONSEE SUGGESTIONS This document is a compilation of previously existing documents and the experience, strength and hope of DA-HOW sponsors. It is a resource for both the new sponsor and the new sponsee in helping to clarify the sponsor/sponsee relationship. These are meant to be suggestive only. The way in which you work your DA program and follow the HOW Concept is between you, your higher power, and your sponsor. To download, click here: Sponsor/Sponsee Suggestions |